Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Results of Selfishness

Altruism is a trait that many people rarely possess in throughout history. Many times people hear of legendary figures that have fasted or sold all their property and used the profit to help the poor. However, these notorious figures are dismal to the zillions that inhabit this world; a majority of the population is very egotistical and self centered. The poems “This is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams, “l(a” by E.E. Cummings and the short story Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich give perfect example of selfish things and the disastrous results of their egotistical personalities. Loneliness, death and damage to a relationship are a few effects of selfishness.

A person who lacks consideration for others will have a hard time with forming relationship and can ultimately ruin an existing relationship. In William Carlos Williams’ “This is Just to Say” the speaker eats the plums of a person who he is in a relationship with. The tone of the poem is unapologetic and insensitive, for example in the second stanza he states, “You were probably saving for breakfast.” These lines show that he knew that the plums were for a particular reason but he ate them anyways. By eating the plums he shows a lack of respect for his friend. The significant other could have very different reactions but one reaction could be disrespect; the owner of the plums could feel as if the speaker has no consideration for his or her things. Due to the speaker’s selfish nature he could have possible ruined the relationship he had with this person.

The actions of a self absorbed and irresponsible person will lead to that person hurting the people they love and respect. In Louise Erdrich’s Love Medicine Lipsha Morrissey wants his grandmother and grandfather to regain the relationship they had before Grandpa Kashpaw got sick. Lipsha is sent out to make a love potion which involves two duck hearts. However, when Lipsha misses the geese, he settles for turkeys because he didn’t want to wait for more geese to come. Due to his laziness and lack of consideration, his grandpa dies eating the turkey heart. If Lipsha wasn’t inconsiderate and waited for more geese to come his grandfather would have never died eating the turkey heart.

Self interested people usual find themselves separated from the group because of their actions; the result of this disjointing is loneliness. In E.E Cummings’ “l(a” the leaf can symbolize a person, people are an intricate part of society just like a leaf is an special part of a tree. The leaf depends on the tree and a person depends on society and others. If a person acts selfish and egocentric they will find themselves disassociated with society. In the poem a leaf is separated from the tree and it feels loneliness. If a self centered person’s actions causes he or she to be separated from society and others, he or she will feel loneliness like the leaf.

Everybody in the world is selfish at one point or another. Especially in the competitive world that exist today; life is the ultimate survival of the fittest. With all the competition for careers, colleges, athletics; people are forced to always and only think about themselves. However, this world we live in today will only produce a large amount of loneliness, death and relationship problems.