Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Borders and human relationships

In Robert Frost’s Mending Wall, the speaker talks about the idea of the walls and barriers people put up in their life, even if it isn’t necessary. The first eleven lines he uses to describe the wall and walls that existed throughout history. The speaker mentions how the wall separates him from his neighbor but at the same time brings them together because they both have to mend it every year. The neighbor claims that they need the wall to separate what falls from his tree and the speaker’s tree. However, the speaker says that it’s impossible to mistake what falls from the trees because one tree has apples and the other has pines. I think the wall is there because of habit and tradition. In the beginning he mentions how the wall has been destroyed and rebuilt many times to maintain barriers.
Yusef Komunyakaa’s Slam, Dunk, & Hook is about a basketball team and the individuals that comprise it. From the sentence structure and the reference to Mercury in the first line the reader can tell the tone is very fast pace. The speaker does a good job of painting a picture of the players and their feeling towards basketball using the first person plural narrative. They are symbolized to unstoppable evil characters, such as sea monsters and bad angels. The last line sums up the whole point of the poem and that is to show how the characters feel about themselves and the game. They are arrogant about their skills and talents. At times they refer to themselves as supernatural and think they are beautiful and dangerous.
Judith Ortiz Cofer’s The Game, the title refers to the game that the deformed girl and the narrator play together in the backyard. The significance of the game is she gets to play outside which is rare because her mother doesn’t let her play outside because she is deformed. The naming of the baby is very significant as well; she named the baby Cruz after Christ’s Cross. By doing that the mother is comparing herself to Jesus, she thinks that by having to care for a deformed baby she will endure the same pain and agony as Christ with his Cross. The game took away the deformation and thought of embarrassment because they were able to pretend. The speaker and Cruz where able to enter into a world that things like deformity didn’t matter. They could get lost in their perfect imaginary world until it got too late and they had to come back to reality.
All these poems relate to each other because they all have to do with human relationships. When a person is young, a person can relate to anybody by escaping into a fictional world where everything fits perfect because they can pretend and ignore the truths of reality. Then there are the ideas of having an action join a group of individuals together to form a unit. But there is always the need to divide and separate and have boundaries. But according to Jane Jacobs borders are a good thing that humans need to have a successful economy and society.